Cloth diapering is awesome

It is.  Seriously.  I thought I’d made the right decision and knew I’d stick with it out of stubbornness if it seemed to be a failure.  Let’s not lie, diapers are damn expensive.  Cloth diapers involve more upfront (less if you register for them and buy used) but cost less in the long run.  I have $70 invested in cloth diapers total.  When the next and probably final order arrives sometime in the next month, I’ll have enough to diaper Wee Man until he’s 3 and possibly through another kid.

Some argue that cloth diapers are greener than regular diapers.  I have no clue whether that’s true or not.  I am going to try to avoid using the dryer this summer and instead hang them to dry.  I’ve devised an ingenious diaper drying system that doesn’t require an outdoor clothesline.  I purchased a few spring-loaded curtain rods at the dollar store and some big wire clips.  I put the curtain rods up, several per window, and use the clips to put everything up.  The sun dries them, bleaches them, and disinfects them all in one.  And if I aim the fan just right, it should help act as a slight cooling system.

It’s just a couple of extra washer loads a week, which means Wee Man is 4 extra loads of laundry total a week.  (Mostly because baby clothes stink if they have milk or poo on them and don’t get washed until there’s a full load.)  And his butt is so damn cute in the diapers.

We also stopped having problems with diaper rash after we switched him over.  I’ve got several used bumGenius diapers I need to finish replacing the elastic and velcro on, which is my goal for Memorial Day weekend.  I’ll have to post some pictures of Wee Man enjoying his cloth diapers.

Lesson so far:  Cloth diapering is exactly what I hoped it would be. It’s cute, it’s fun, it’s cheap, and it’s better for Wee Man.  I don’t have to worry about if I’m going to stop liking it because at this point it’s a freakin’ addiction.

2 thoughts on “Cloth diapering is awesome

  1. Jackie @ Our Nashville Life says:

    I’m so happy about this. When I have kids, they will be clothed diapered. I’ve also heard that cloth diapering helps with blow outs.

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